Drugs and alcohol

Services supporting people using drugs and alcohol

Together Specialist Substance Misuse Service for Devon

Y-SMART Specialist Substance Misuse service for Children and Young People in Devon


Guidance and Reporting matters related to Drugs and Alcohol

Reporting of Drugs causing harm- please complete the form https://tinyurl.com/yamedj94

Reporting of Drug related Deaths – please email as much detail as possible (name, d.o.b, d.o.d, home address, location of death, details of any known substance use) substancemisuse@devon.gov.uk

Needle Exchange and best practice in reducing needle finds- DEVON 

Needle Exchange Services in Devon

Map of Devon services

Approaches to supporting Entrenched Drinkers

Blue Light Project Evidence Base and Case Stories

Blue Light Manual

Training Resources

Example Presentation (full day)

Example Session Plan

Session evaluation form

3 month follow up survey

Meal Planner

Screening Tools for Alcohol Behaviour and Dependency

Alcohol use screening tests

Brief Intervention Skills for Alcohol Training

Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice programme (free to NHS staff including GPs)

Links to data sources

JSNA Headline Tool

Public Health England Fingertips