Long-Term Plan Resources

The following resources have been produced to support the development of the long-term plan by the Devon Sustainability and Transformation Partnership.

Needs and Priorities Overviews

These slide sets contain information on health needs and priorities for the wider Devon area, and four locality areas within Devon. They cover population, development, inequalities and variations in health outcomes and a summary of the main challenges identified in Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and priorities from Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies.

Devon STP Needs and Priorities Overview, June 2019


Eastern Devon Needs and Priorities Overview, June 2019

Northern Devon Needs and Priorities Overview, June 2019

Southern Devon Needs and Priorities Overview, June 2019

Western Devon Needs and Priorities Overview, June 2019

Community Summaries

These profiles provide an overview of communities in Devon highlighting health needs at a town level. They cover population, development, priority communities in relation to health needs, an economic profile, an profile of health conditions in the area, and a summary of needs and priorities specific to the town.

Eastern Devon

Northern Devon

Southern and Western Devon