Healthy Weight Declaration

Public Health England Healthy Weight Environments Guidance Feb 2020 for Public Health and Planning

Healthy Weight Declaration Public Survey Findings (Aug 2019)

February 2019 (3-month update)

February 2019 update on Devon wide activity 110219

1.The Event Programme

Devon Healthy Weight Summit, 07.11.18 AGENDA

2. Making the case for Devon

Healthy Weight Declaration making the case FINAL

3. Presentations

1. Richard Merrifield, Picture across Devon

2. Robin Ireland – How LA Can Lead the Way

3. Justine Womack, Creating Healthier Food Environments

4. Tamara Bennett SUGAR SMART

5. Gail Barker, Nutrition at the very start of our lives

6. Claire Turbutt, Plymouth Approach

7. Melanie Winterburn-Brannick, Maternity

4.Healthy Weight Declaration Supporting Documents



5.Workshop 1: What are we doing and could we do- to achieve the HWD commitments

Feedback from Workshop 1

6.Workshop 2: The pledges and commitments made

Commitments and Pledges

from Workshop 2

7.Policies/References and Useful Documents 

Healthy Vending evidence

South West Healthy Weight Supplementary Planning Document Tool

Heathy weight environment SPD 180412

Hot Food Takeaways SPDs by Region

8.Useful PHE documents/links

Working with small businesses

PHE Out of Home toolkit 2017 (1)

Healthier Takeaways Report – Food Active (1)

Density of Fast food outlets in Devon July 2019



Spatial Planning


Public Opinion/Survey

Comparison of the Amsterdam Approach

Waste Free Packed Lunches